Yes, we do ship internationally.
International orders need to be created manually by our backend team. you need to register an account on our website and then add the shortlisted products to your cart. after that drop us an email on cs@thelibasstore.com with your shipping address. our team member will quote you the shipping charges and create the order for you after your consent.
Delivery time is around 5-12 days.
We charge shipping on actuals, the shipping charges will be quoted by our team on email after check the weight of the shortlisted products.
For your reference Approximate weight of the products are as follows :-Â
- 1 Shirt Fabric = 300-380 Gms
- 1 Trouser Fabric = 380-700 Gms
- 1 Suit Fabric :- 800-1100 Gms
- 1 Blazer Fabric :- 550-650 Gms
The payment can be made through International Debit & Credit Cards, UPI, and Direct Bank Transfer.
Custom Duty will be borne by the buyer.